Embrace the Keyboard: Unlocking Real-World Cybersecurity Skills

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Embrace the Keyboard: Unlocking Real-World Cybersecurity Skills

By Tom Marsland 

In the rapidly evolving world of cybersecurity, the need for skilled professionals has never been greater. As someone deeply passionate about this field, I believe it's time to have a conversation about the kind of training that truly prepares us for the challenges we face:  

Hands-on keyboard. 

Theory is essential, no doubt. It provides the foundation on which our knowledge is built. However, it's the "hands-on keyboard" experience that bridges the gap between theory and real-world application. 

Here's why I advocate for competency-based training: 

Immediate Application

In cybersecurity, the threats are real and dynamic. Competency-based training equips us to apply what we learn immediately. 

Security is Practical

Hackers don't stick to theoretical scenarios; they exploit vulnerabilities in practical ways. Hands-on training allows us to think like hackers, anticipate their moves, and defend our systems effectively.

Problem Solving

Cybersecurity is all about solving complex puzzles under pressure. Competency-based training hones our problem-solving skills, making us more adaptable and resourceful. 

Mitigating Real Threats

Traditional methods can sometimes lag behind emerging threats. Competency-based training keeps us updated with the latest tactics, techniques, and procedures used by malicious actors. 

Collaborative Learning

Hands-on training often involves teamwork and simulations, fostering collaboration skills that are crucial in a field where teamwork can make all the difference.

Career Acceleration

Employers value practical skills and experience. Competency-based training can fast-track your career by making you job-ready from day one. 


Cybersecurity is a diverse field, and hands-on training allows us to explore various specializations, find our passion, and adapt to changing industry demands.

Let's remember that it's not an "either-or" situation. Theory and practical experience complement each other. But, let's put the spotlight on competency-based training for a moment and acknowledge its role in producing cybersecurity professionals ready to defend against evolving threats. 

Hands-On Training with Cloud Range

Cloud Range’s comprehensive cyber readiness platform provides a wealth of hands-on, competency-based training options for SOC, CSIRT, and DFIR teams including live-fire cyber attack simulations, training labs, challenge labs, skills assessments, and more.

Contact us to learn more or to see a demo!


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