Stop Over-Relying on EDR Tools: The Need for Holistic Cybersecurity Skills

Stop Over-Relying on EDR Tools: The Need for Holistic Cybersecurity Skills

From Dependency to Mastery - Unleashing the Full Potential of Cybersecurity Analysts

Cybersecurity has evolved exponentially over the last decade, largely because the growing complexity and frequency of cyber threats demands it. As a result, the field has become increasingly reliant on advanced tools and software for detecting and combating these threats. While these tools play a crucial role in modern cybersecurity, it's important not to overlook the human element of cybersecurity: the analysts.

The Perils of Over-Reliance on Tools

In the world of cybersecurity, tools like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) systems have become a standard for threat detection. However, it can be easy for analysts to rely too much on EDR tools to find threats instead of leveraging their own expertise. The tools, though essential, should be viewed as aids rather than substitutes for analysts' skills and knowledge.

graphic of cybersecurity analyst

For example, we are all very dependent on our phones, but what if they don’t work? If you’re lost in the woods, can you read the stars or make a compass? If there is an EMP pulse from a UFO or the zombie apocalypse tears down cell towers, can you survive?

An over-reliance on EDR tools can hinder SOC and CSIRT analysts from being truly prepared for the cyber landscape.

If the tool misses something or malfunctions, analysts may be left unprepared. This can create blind spots in security coverage, making organizations vulnerable to cyber threats.

Additionally, if the EDR tool does catch something, it’s vital that analysts know why. That detail will not come solely from a tool. It requires an understanding of your network environment, the organization’s full technology stack, and the various tactics, techniques, and procedures of attack. 

If your organization wants to reduce risk, your analysts need to become proactive problem-solvers, rather than reactive tool operators. That ensures that whether or not the EDR tool catches a security incident, they're equipped to identify and mitigate the threat.

The Need for a Cyber Range Training Program

The only way to gain the necessary knowledge about cyber threats and real-life experience working as a team to detect and remediate them is with a comprehensive cyber range training program. We’re not saying that because it’s what Cloud Range does, but because our customers testify to it and we have seen it bear out time and time again.

graphic of trained cybersecurity analyst

Just as a pilot must train in a flight simulator, so cybersecurity teams need to train in a simulated environment with real-life attack scenarios. Cloud Range's realistic, live-fire cyber defense simulation platform gives analysts more context about all facets of an attack, providing them with a comprehensive view. That expands their knowledge beyond their tools – and their comfort zones – and gives them the tenets and background of threats, technologies, and how things fit together.

Our customizable cyber range includes your choice of popular security tools, including many EDR options. But, even more importantly, the program ensures your team knows what to do with the information those tools provide – and what to do if a tool fails. 

Cloud Range’s interactive and realistic training environment enables analysts to engage with a multitude of simulated cyber threats and improve not only technical skills, but also soft skills such as analysis, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. The program is a series of real-life attack scenarios that encourages a mindset of self-reliance, reinforcing the notion that tools are aids, not crutches. Consequently, cyber range training gives analysts the confidence and adaptability to effectively combat cyber threats, irrespective of tool performance, enhancing their resilience in the face of evolving cyber threats.

The holistic approach ensures your SOC and IR teams gain the necessary training and real-world experience to detect and mitigate any type of cyberattack, reducing the chances of a costly breach.

Our analysts are our last line of defense. We must empower them with knowledge and skills that transcend their tools, ensuring they can thrive even when those tools fail or underperform. In the end, it's the human ability to adapt, problem-solve, and think critically that remains our most valuable asset in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

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